Coach Pragassen: Navigating the Path to UEFA B Coaching License and Beyond | #uefablicense #footballcoaching #seychellesfootball #coachingjourney #successstory
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Coach Pragassen: Navigating the Path to UEFA B Coaching License and Beyond | #uefablicense #footballcoaching #seychellesfootball #coachingjourney #successstory
Accra 2023 African Games: Rallying African Nations for a Grand Showcase | #africangames #sportsexcellence #accragamesshowcase #accragamesupdates
Seychelles Athletes Engage in Vital Anti-Doping Session | #antidopingsession #seychellesathletes #dopingprevention #athleteeducatio #sportsethics
Electoral Commission Delivers Comprehensive Report on Electoral Boundary Delimitation to National Assembly Speaker | #delimitationreport #electoralcommission #nationalassemblysupport
Vallée De Mai Celebrates 40 Years as a UNESCO Heritage Site: Grand Variety Show Set to Dazzle Praslin | #valleedemai #heritagecelebration #praslinvarietyshow
Olympic Seychelles Takes a Stand Against Doping: Educational Session to Tackle ADRVs, Values, and Steroids/Drug Abuse | #olympicseychelles #antidopingsession #fairplayinsports #valuesinsports #saynotodoping #sportsintegrity #educationalevent
Victoria Open Boxing Competition: A Knockout Extravaganza Unveiling Seychelles' Finest Talent! | #victoriaopenboxing #seychellesknockout #boxingextravaganza #sportscelebration
Thaipoosam Kavadi Festival: A Vibrant Tapestry of Hindu Devotion and Cultural Richness | #thaipoosamkavadi #hindufestival #culturaldiversity #devotionandunity
Celebrating Cultural Richness: Seychelles Hindu Temple Marks 32nd Commemorative Function | #seychelleshindutemple #culturalheritage #religiousdiversity #indiancultureinseychelles
Strengthening Ties: US Senior Defense Attaché Engages with Seychelles National Assembly | #usrelations #defensediplomacy #seychellesnationalassembly #securitycollaboration #internationalrelations